China has a creative and brilliant national culture. The study of traditional design and artistic works can impact greatly graphic design practices. And the understanding of design language characteristics of Chinese cultural signs can better express Chinese style in the webpage design process. According to the basic mode of message communication of Shannon and Weaver, a complete communication procedure of design message follows the following rule: design process, that is to encode after getting message from message source which is called designer; and then transforming into sign or sign group which is called message; sign or message is read by effects, i.e. user, through certain message communication media, i.e. channel, this sign reading process is called decoding. Therefore the correct and effective control of encoding becomes a key problem which a designer needs to pay much attention to. [4] Graphic design language is a good tool through which a designer can communicate Chinese style or characteristics in a website. We should include in website design graphic design language characteristics based on Chinese cultural signs.
Weaver Shannon