• Why can you not have a hypothesis in a qualitative research? Because the correct researching should be used the instrument that appropriate with your research. When the instrument of your research that you select is match and correct with your research already, so it make researching process complete correctly. But if you research is qualitative research since the beginning of your research process that caused mistake in the research when you use hypothesis because hypothesis should be capable of verification and measurable. Which qualitative research that difficult measurable. So you should modify the qualitative research to quantitative before using hypothesis because it’s measurable and appropriate for research.
• Why do you need a hypothesis in a quantitative research? Because most of researching the researcher usually to use questionnaire and less of researcher use other methodology. Which quantitative research should be using with questionnaire because the questionnaire is instrument that measurable correctly. When your research is quantitative research the, hypothesis will make the research more accurate and precisely. Because the hypotheses support quantitative research more successful and accurate. So using questionnaire in the research should be quantitative that caused your research better when use hypothesis.
• A null-hypothesis mean the answers or conclusions of research result that researcher predict in advance reasonably. By using the instrument, study and research of researcher. The hypothesis can be guideline for research and guideline for collecting data. It also analyze data that according to predict or not. So the hypothesis may be true or not true that depending on researcher predict, data collecting and methodology.