Fig. 3. Box and whisker plot graph of the size in width (a) and height (b) of intestinal villi and intestinal goblet cell number (c) of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fingerlings fed LPS from Pantoea agglomerans (IP-PA1) at different dosages (10 and 20 μg LPSp kg BW
). Measurements of total goblet cell number (full and empty) and villi height were based on the analysis of eight randomly chosen fields from the intestinal mucosa of 12 animals per dietary group. The asterisk denotes that both experimental groups are different (P b 0.001). Solid and dashed lines represent the median and mean values for each set of samples, whereas dots represent the outliers. Abbreviations: C diet, commercial feed (Aller Futura, ALLER AQUA; Christiansfeld, Denmark) used as a control; 10 IS diet: control diet containing 0.06 g LPSp kg
; 20 IS: control diet containing 0.12 g LPSp kg