He went to the palace where the queen lived. The gods of the palace afraid that disgraceful thing would happen if they let Phaya Phan enter the palace and met the queen because they were mother and son. The gods transformed themselves to mother cat and kittens, and la d down in front of the entrance phaya Phan did not notice the cats so he walked pass them. Suddenly, one of the kittens said, "Mom, are we just the beasts that he does not even notice us?" The mother replied, "How come he would be interested in us, because he even courts mother such a thing!" That made Phaya Phan worried, so he prayed that the queen were his mother her milk would be lactated. As soon as he prayed the milk was lactated from the queen's nipples phan was very upset and recklessly got mad at Grandma Hom. He blamed her for not telling him about his parents which made him kill his own father