“Hehe,” Duke Hui Ye laughed slightly, asking: “Yun Che, that is your so-called proof? Other than that, do you still have any other proof?”
“Just this one proof is already more than enough.” Yun Che replied.
“So that’s it, very good…” Duke Hui Ye nodded slowly and a smile that had a slight sense of ridicule appeared on his face for an instant before he turned to Yun Xinyue and said: “I have heard of the Yun Family’s Profound Handle Soul Search more than once and I hear that it would not cause any harmful effects to the target. Now that someone is accusing you of harming a fellow clan member and the Princess of the Under Heaven Clan, and says that a Profound Handle would prove it… Yun Xinyue, do you dare to undergo the Soul Search in front of everyone to prove your innocence?”