Strategic planning allows agencies to map out where they are, where they want to
go, and how they plan to get there. The strategic planning process varies from company to
company. The plans are mostly organized in a step-by-step matter with specific tasks
assigned to specific departments, managers and employees. Some companies may develop
their plans at the top management level with little input from other stakeholders, some may
plan by departments or just leave it up to the managers themselves. Each company will do it
the way it suits it best, but it will definitely be in line with the overall goals of the whole
However, the integration of HRM in company plans is still evolving. Considering that
a company’s mission cannot be achieved without its people – that is where HRM comes in.
Just by looking at some examples of strategic plans, it is clear that diversity, recruitment,
retention, employee development, and workforce quality are the main areas of interest. So,
when these factors are designed and implemented well, they lead to the ultimately desired
result: the right people, with the right skills, in the right positions carrying out the company
mission and goals.33
Nevertheless, most companies see the department of Human Resources as an
administrative department, thus they don’t get it involved in the strategic planning, and the
needs and opportunities are ignored – the alignment with strategic plans. The main reason
why HR is not involved in the company’s strategic planning is mainly because its results are
not measured in money. So, the companies that don’t integrate HR plans into the overall
strategy, their HR departments usually develop their own goals and strategies based on the
current needs of the company, which are most often communicated by managers to the HR