The nutritional compositions of farmed sandworms, fed with a commercial shrimp diet, andwild sandworms, caught from the shore line in Chonburi province, Thailand, were investigated.Protein was not different between farmed and wild sandworms (512 and 528 g/kg,p>0.05) but fat content was different (340 and 273 g/kg, p<0.05). The moisture content washigher in wild (813 versus 763 g/kg, p<0.05) while the ash contents were higher in farmedthan in wild sandworms (94 versus 67 g/kg, p<0.05). The fatty acid profile was identified andthe major saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturatedfatty acids (PUFA) in both groups of sandworms were present in somewhat differentlevels in farmed and wild sandworms, being C16:0 (309 and 332 g/kg, p<0.05), C18:1 (83and 131 g/kg, p<0.05) and C18:2 (94 and 78 g/kg, p<0.05). The total SFA and MUFA contentswere higher in wild than farmed sandworms, respectively (461 versus 411, 218 versus198 g/kg, p<0.05). The PUFA content was lower in wild than farmed sandworms (184 versus247 g/kg, p<0.05). The content of arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)in both groups of sandworms were not different (p>0.05). However, farmed sandwormswere found to contain a higher ratio of n3:n6 PUFA than wild sandworms (0.7:0.4, p<0.05).But the content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in farmed sandworms was lower than thatof wild sandworms (30 versus 42 g/kg, p<0.05). The content of analyzed micro-minerals in
farmed and wild sandworms were different (p<0.05) while the content of analyzed macrominerals
were different (p<0.05) except for potassium. Wild sandworms were contained
higher level of vitamin A and lower level vitamin C and E than farm sandworms
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