On days 120 and 180 of frozen storage, both the control and TP100
groups, which did not differ (P N 0.05) among each other in their
sulphydryl content, presented sulphydryl values lower (P ≤ 0.05)
than those of the TP200 and ATOC groups, which also did not differ (P
N 0.05) among each other. The TP300 group presented a sulphydryl
content which was lower (P ≤ 0.05) than those determined in all
other groups. These indicated that the olive leaf extract at the level of
100 mg GAE/kg meat did not exert any inhibiting effect on protein oxidation
compared to the CONT group, while at the level of 200 mg GAE/kg
meat was more efficient and equal to α-tocopherol supplementation.
The higher inhibition against protein oxidation was observed with the
olive leaf extract at the level of 300 mg GAE/kg.