Trends Affecting Malaysia’s Housing Policy
Demographic improvements in Malaysia’s health services have been able to decrease death
rates and increasing life expectancy at birth and reduction of infant and toddler mortality
rates thereby enhancing population growth that are creating accommodation problems.
Demography concerns with the study of the statistics of births, deaths, disease etc, as
illustrating the condition of life in communities (Oxford English Reference
Dictionary1995) Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million according to national census
conducted in 2000 as against 18,38 million in 1991 (Population Distribution: Putajaya
2001). Malaysia is further employing condominium-housing structure to achieve a
juxtaposed settlement pattern that well accommodates all its racial groups. as indivisible
multi-ethnic society.
Political-pertaining to public policy; concerned in the administration of government
(Webster’s Encyclopedic1996). The vision of Malaysia Government is directed towards
providing balanced and harmonious community living through the production of
affordable and quality housing for the people that include the participation of private sector
developers in its development plans. It is this strategy of a mutually supporting working
relationship between the public and private sectors that will propel Malaysia to the next
quantum leap of development and progress.
Economics relate to production, development and management of material wealth
(American Heritage Dictionary 1996). The collapse of commodity prices, the economic
slowdown that followed in the mid 1980’s, the Government intensified efforts to boost the
failing economy through promoting capital-intensive and export oriented industries as well
as the relaxation of regulation for foreign purchasers. As the economy began to bounce
back in the early 90’s, a period, which saw a growing maturity in terms of new building
concepts and quality, the private developers were successful in implementing and
achieving the targeted units of low-cost houses on the basis that no ethnic group would
experience any sense of absolute deprivation, as middle-income class would find
accommodation, so also, the low-income earners and high-income group.
Malaysia’s first Housing Plan was implemented in 1966 with the initial objective being to
provide housing as a component of social services. World Power Dictionary describe
social as living in an organized group or community, (World Power Dictionary 2002).The
Second, Third. Fourth and Fifth Plans were meant to improve Malaysia’s socio-economy
especially in poverty alleviation and the restructuring of society. It was during this time
that the first formal and structured housing programs were undertaken to provide low-cost
housing to meet the needs of the poor. With parallel advancement in the
telecommunications and modern transport systems, the growth of urban and rural
boundaries have expanded dramatically such that property developments are no longer
centralized in one specific area, New townships have emerged that did not exist before.
Nonetheless, the outcome of housing policy at local and national level in Malaysia does
contribute towards rural integration, harmony and peace for its population as well as
enhancing its Republic unity. As a result, tourism and foreign investments have flourished
and multiplied over the years.