Purpose In low back pain (LBP) patients, those with
radiating leg pain or sciatica have poorer pain and disability
outcomes. Few studies have assessed the effect of
leg pain on health care use and quality of life.
Methods Prospective cohort study of 1,581 UK LBP
primary care consulters. Back pain, employment, health
care utilisation, and quality of life (EQ-5D) data were
collected at baseline, 6 and 12 months. At baseline,
patients were classified as reporting (1) LBP only, (2) LBP
and leg pain above the knee only (LBP ? AK) or (3) LBP
and leg pain extending below the knee (LBP ? BK).
Results Self-reported leg pain was common; at baseline
645 (41 %) reported LBP only, 392 (25 %) reported
LBP ? AK and 544 (34 %) reported LBP ? BK. Patients
with LBP ? BK, compared to those with LBP only, were
significantly more likely to be unemployed, take time off
work, consult their family doctor, receive physical therapy,
or be referred to other health care practitioners. There were
statistically significant decrements in EQ-5D scores for
LBP ? AK compared to LBP only, and for LBP ? BK
compared to LBP ? AK (p B 0.05 for all comparisons).Conclusions Patients with self-reported leg pain below
the knee utilise more health care are more likely to be
unemployed and have poorer quality of life than those with
LBP only 12 months following primary care consultation.
The presence of leg pain warrants early identification in
primary care to explore if targeted interventions can reduce
the impact and consequences of leg pain.
Purpose In low back pain (LBP) patients, those withradiating leg pain or sciatica have poorer pain and disabilityoutcomes. Few studies have assessed the effect ofleg pain on health care use and quality of life.Methods Prospective cohort study of 1,581 UK LBPprimary care consulters. Back pain, employment, healthcare utilisation, and quality of life (EQ-5D) data werecollected at baseline, 6 and 12 months. At baseline,patients were classified as reporting (1) LBP only, (2) LBPand leg pain above the knee only (LBP ? AK) or (3) LBPand leg pain extending below the knee (LBP ? BK).Results Self-reported leg pain was common; at baseline645 (41 %) reported LBP only, 392 (25 %) reportedLBP ? AK and 544 (34 %) reported LBP ? BK. Patientswith LBP ? BK, compared to those with LBP only, weresignificantly more likely to be unemployed, take time offwork, consult their family doctor, receive physical therapy,or be referred to other health care practitioners. There werestatistically significant decrements in EQ-5D scores forLBP ? AK compared to LBP only, and for LBP ? BKcompared to LBP ? AK (p B 0.05 for all comparisons).Conclusions Patients with self-reported leg pain belowthe knee utilise more health care are more likely to beunemployed and have poorer quality of life than those withLBP only 12 months following primary care consultation.The presence of leg pain warrants early identification inprimary care to explore if targeted interventions can reducethe impact and consequences of leg pain.
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