Based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), the SNI 13-6334-2000 about quality cocoons of Bombyx mori L.the terms and definitions are as follows: (1) Cocoon: material produced by silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) in pupaformation process, which consists of a cocoon shell and pupa; (2) normal cocoon: cocoon that is clean, healthy with no defects and generally oval, (3) abnormal cocoon (defective cocoon): the cocoon has physical abnormalities,consists of malformed cocoon, notched cocoon, perforated cocoon, printed cocoon, thin-end cocoon, double cocoon,
inside stained cocoon, outside stained cocoon and flimsy cocoon; (4) malform cocoon: the cocoon that looks
unusual, like a cone, assimetric or irregular form, (5) notched cocoon: cocoon that has a notch in the middle or edges,
(6) pierced cocoon: same with perforated cocoon, (7 ) printed cocoon: cocoon that has stains (spots) caused printed
by seriframe, (8) thin-end cocoon: cocoon that at the end has thin shell; (9) double cocoon: cocoon that contains two
or more pupae, (10) inside stained cocoon: cocoon that contains impurities, (11) outside stained cocoon: outer
cocoon contains impurities originating from another worm or caterpillar dead, (12) flimsy cocoon: cocoon that has a
thin cocoon shell, (13) fresh cocoon: cocoon that has not been dried, (14) cocoon shell: material cocoon that consists
of sericin and fibroin which serves as a wrapper pupae. Determination of fresh cocoon quality is based on visual
tests consisting of: cocoon weight, cocoon shell percentage, and defective cocoon percentage. This study is aimed
to find out the effect of acid rain on mulberry plants exposed of acid rain to the percentage of defective cocoon and
defects types in C-301 and BS-09 races of Bombyx mori L.
Based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), the SNI 13-6334-2000 about quality cocoons of Bombyx mori L.the terms and definitions are as follows: (1) Cocoon: material produced by silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) in pupaformation process, which consists of a cocoon shell and pupa; (2) normal cocoon: cocoon that is clean, healthy with no defects and generally oval, (3) abnormal cocoon (defective cocoon): the cocoon has physical abnormalities,consists of malformed cocoon, notched cocoon, perforated cocoon, printed cocoon, thin-end cocoon, double cocoon,inside stained cocoon, outside stained cocoon and flimsy cocoon; (4) malform cocoon: the cocoon that looksunusual, like a cone, assimetric or irregular form, (5) notched cocoon: cocoon that has a notch in the middle or edges,(6) pierced cocoon: same with perforated cocoon, (7 ) printed cocoon: cocoon that has stains (spots) caused printedby seriframe, (8) thin-end cocoon: cocoon that at the end has thin shell; (9) double cocoon: cocoon that contains twoor more pupae, (10) inside stained cocoon: cocoon that contains impurities, (11) outside stained cocoon: outercocoon contains impurities originating from another worm or caterpillar dead, (12) flimsy cocoon: cocoon that has athin cocoon shell, (13) fresh cocoon: cocoon that has not been dried, (14) cocoon shell: material cocoon that consistsof sericin and fibroin which serves as a wrapper pupae. Determination of fresh cocoon quality is based on visualtests consisting of: cocoon weight, cocoon shell percentage, and defective cocoon percentage. This study is aimedto find out the effect of acid rain on mulberry plants exposed of acid rain to the percentage of defective cocoon anddefects types in C-301 and BS-09 races of Bombyx mori L.
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