Their organization already have access for GSDBONLINE application and the CSA ( can directly add the application to the users profile by following steps provided in attached file.
Let me know if there is any issue in enabling users for GSDBONLINE application. The below is the user set up requirement for GSDBONLINE application.
GSDB Online has 3 user roles (Note: A user should only have one of these roles/tokens):
• GSDB Online 'Email' token – This user has view access and is notified when a GSDB Online 'Update' user makes changes to company information in the GSDB Online application. The role of the 'Email' user is to make sure that changes being made by any 'Update' user are correct for your company.
• GSDB Online 'Update' token – This user has view access and is able to make updates to company information for the Supplier Codes (4 character codes) and Site Codes (5 character codes) that the user and the corresponding 'Email' user have included in their access.
• GSDB Online 'View' – This user has view only access in GSDB Online.
GSDB Online requires the following to work properly:
• To be able to make changes to your company's data a minimum of two users must be set-up with GSDB Online access. At least one user must have the 'Update' token and at least one other different user must have the 'Email' token. The same user cannot have both.
• The 'Update' and 'Email' users' access must have both the 4 and 5 character GSDB codes included. GSDB Online allows some updates at the 5 character site code level, but other updates require that the user have the corresponding 4 character Supplier code also.
• Any codes enabled for an 'Update' user must also be enabled for an 'Email' user. Only Supplier and site codes that are enabled for both an 'Email' and 'Update' user will allow updates.
Let me know for any assistance.