He is dynamic, decisive and somewhat impulsive. Ray Kroc responds quickly and spontaneously to challenges, and enjoys vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a good sense of rhythm and timing. Ray has an abundance of energy and vitality, and a restless desire to see progress and change - he hates stagnation. He is individualistic and makes a good leader, spearheading new projects and inspiring others to act.
When Ray Kroc wants something, he can be amazingly persistent and unrelenting, even a bit obsessed, although quiet about it. In fact Ray may hide his deep purposes and intentions even from friends. Whenever he does a thing, it is done wholeheartedly and thoroughly - and if Ray Kroc does not want to do something that others wish him to do, somehow he will find a way out of it. Kroc is strong, though subtle.
Ray Kroc has a strong need to gain power and he tends to dominate or manipulate other people. But in his push for success, power struggles could also thwart Kroc's efforts and he could become the victim of someone else having control over him.
Positions of honor, affluence, influence, and stature in his community can be his. Ray Kroc feels he has a destiny which involves leadership or distinguishing himself in some line of endeavor. Ray possesses an innate sense of greatness or importance, and a strong drive to achieve recognition for his talent. Ray Kroc should avoid excessive egotism and arrogant pride, for these could limit his opportunities.
Ray Kroc perseveres through numerous obstacles, frustrations, delays, and setbacks in order to attain his ambitions in life. Sometimes it may feel as if he is pushing a boulder uphill. Ray Kroc should try to avoid bitterness or comparing his lot to others', as these could weaken his resolve.
Ray Kroc possesses great zeal and passion for achieving his aspirations in life, and can be something of a fanatic when he sets his sights on a goal. Ray could do research work, psychological investigation, even detective work