1 Production, defined in Parameter Table 2100 Entry.1, this type is for production quantity input for cooking item or kit item which manages in stock. When production transaction occurred, finished product stock increases. Conversely, component stock decreases.
2 Split, defined in Parameter Table 2100 Entry.2, this type is for splitting the kit item or inversing the cooking item which manages in stock. When split transaction occurred, finished product stock decreases. Conversely, component stock increases.
3 Adjustment, defined in Parameter Table 2100 Entry.3, this type is for adjust the quantity of any types of in-house item. When adjustment transaction occurred, for managed-stock item type, only finished product stock decreases. For non managed-stocked item type, only its component which find from recipe of that item decreases.
1 Production, defined in Parameter Table 2100 Entry.1, this type is for production quantity input for cooking item or kit item which manages in stock. When production transaction occurred, finished product stock increases. Conversely, component stock decreases.2 Split, defined in Parameter Table 2100 Entry.2, this type is for splitting the kit item or inversing the cooking item which manages in stock. When split transaction occurred, finished product stock decreases. Conversely, component stock increases.3 Adjustment, defined in Parameter Table 2100 Entry.3, this type is for adjust the quantity of any types of in-house item. When adjustment transaction occurred, for managed-stock item type, only finished product stock decreases. For non managed-stocked item type, only its component which find from recipe of that item decreases.
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