Without second thought, the huntress set out at once to seek for fairyland. It has been hard and time consuming, but at last, the huntress found the stone-graved path that leads to fairyland. At the crystal gate stood fairy guards dressed all in moonlight silver. The huntress states her request immediately to meet with the fairy queen. And now before the stunned huntress, the fairy queen seating on her magnificent throne, looking elegant and more beautiful than any living creature the huntress has ever seen. But the huntress remembered what she came for and asked if the queen would grant her a single wish. The fairy queen states that a wish comes with its own price, and that the huntress’s wish to have the princess for herself would require her ten years of service as the fairy queen’s huntress of which the huntress obliged. As time passed, the huntress grew more and more to liking the fairy queen who is smart, vigor and sweet, but queenly elegant. And the fairy queen grew more and more trusting in the huntress. Ten years has passed and the promised day has come. The fairy queen asks of the huntress’s wish as promised. The huntress could only smiles softly to the elegant one. Ever since then, the huntress stays by the fairy queen’s side, and watch over fairyland.
And they lived happily ever after. The end.