From being sexually harassed by male colleagues to women getting paid less for the same jobs to preferential treatment given by male bosses to more compliant women, whom they don't consider a threat, to stronger female colleagues being undercut for openly challenging the conventional gender roles they are supposed to conform to, to discussing female colleagues or making jokes about them in a denigrating manner, gender discrimination exists to some degree in most workplaces.
According to the United Nations, there is not a single society where women are not discriminated against, or have equal opportunities as men. Even in countries in the West where women's emancipation has bettered the lives of countless women, they still experience the unfairness of the 'glass ceiling', wherein women just do not get promoted beyond a certain level. According to the Glass Ceiling Commission in the U.S., about 95-97% of the senior managerial posts in country's largest corporations are held by men.
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