Allergic bronchitis is an illness wherein
someone has severe allergies that lead to
a bronchial immune system reaction.
Chronic bronchitis is not caused by a
bacterial infection. It is a long-term
inflammation or irritation of the
bronchial tubes. It lasts longer than
three months and it is often triggered by
The overactive immune system often
treat the harmless substances entering in
the wind pipe as dangerous and send
antibodies to counteract them which
results in the deposition of fluid inside
the wind pipe or the lungs which are in
fact the dead antibodies and harmless
substances entering the body. Because
chronic bronchitis is caused by allergens
rather than bacteria, it’s often called
allergic bronchitis.
What is a non-allergic bronchitis?
Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of
the bronchial tubes which gets narrow
due to the viral infection and starts
secreting fluid in them. It results in cold
and flu which then receds away after
couple of days as the virus or bacteria is
removed, by administering the
What are the various symptoms of an
allergic bronchitis?
The chief symptom of allergic bronchitis
is a daily cough that lasts for at least
three months. The intensity of the cough
might differ from person to person.
There may be some sputum from
coughing, but not necessarily. If you
smoke, this cough is often called a
smoker’s cough. This dry cough is often
very bad at the night often leading to