Ohmic heating is an alternative fast heating method for food products. In this study, the
effect of ohmic heating technique on electrical conductivity, heating rate, system performance and
pH of pomegranate juice was investigated. Ohmic heating rate, electrical conductivity, and pH are
dependent on the voltage gradient used (30–55 V/cm). As the voltage gradient increased, time,
system performance and pH decreased. The electrical conductivity of the sample increased with
temperature rise (20–85 C). The range of electrical conductivity during ohmic heating was
0.209–1.013 (S/m). Among the two models tested to fit the electrical conductivity of pomegranate
juice, the linear model gave the best fit for all the data points. Bubbling was observed above
81 C especially at high voltage gradients. The system performance coefficients for pomegranate
juice samples were in the range of 0.764–0.939.
Ohmic heating is an alternative fast heating method for food products. In this study, theeffect of ohmic heating technique on electrical conductivity, heating rate, system performance andpH of pomegranate juice was investigated. Ohmic heating rate, electrical conductivity, and pH aredependent on the voltage gradient used (30–55 V/cm). As the voltage gradient increased, time,system performance and pH decreased. The electrical conductivity of the sample increased withtemperature rise (20–85 C). The range of electrical conductivity during ohmic heating was0.209–1.013 (S/m). Among the two models tested to fit the electrical conductivity of pomegranatejuice, the linear model gave the best fit for all the data points. Bubbling was observed above81 C especially at high voltage gradients. The system performance coefficients for pomegranatejuice samples were in the range of 0.764–0.939.
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