Based on the high heat transfer performance of heat pipe (HP) and large specific surface area of small diameter
droplets, HP and spray technologies are combined in a novel single stage vacuum evaporator and artificial seawater
with 3% saltness is studied experimentally. Parametric studies are carried out, such as cold source and heat
source temperature, spray temperature, and spray flow. The results show that: the maximum heat flux density
reaches 32 W cm−2 on evaporator bland plate; HPs absorb energy effectively from low grade heat source (40–
80 °C) then transfer the energy to the droplets already flashed, so as to maintain or even increase the superheat
degree of droplets during evaporating process; This method can significantly improve the water separation rate
(quality of condensed water / quality of dilute solution ∗ 100%); Changing the parameters can regulate water separation
from 0% to 65%. Thus it has important significance for utilizing lower grade heat source effectively, gaining
brine, and promoting the fresh water yield per unit volume and adaptability to variable load in desalination