While everyone is celebrating Lunar New Year I have to release this news, sadly.
After 2014 award ceremonies have ended, at first, I have planned to put together Jongin's pictures from 1st Alum activities into a photobook, but many people have been against it so I have decided to cancel the photobook plan totally, originally for February. I'm sorry to those who have supported me and showed interest. I am also like others, because I was too busy, I didn't have time to send him birthday presents, so I thought I'd wait till2nd Anniversary to send all the presents coolly. In the end without even seeing, all the numerous firm negative words that we have seen, causing us to feel really hurt. Why is it that so much is expected especially of us, because of this over the top burden, we feel really bad and tired. The photos that we have taken of Jongin isn't too bad, but we are actually merely just another on-the-ball fan. We have not even learnt to take photographs properly, a few fools coming together, thinking when we should open the home page, every day saying 'we should do this we should do this', living with this kind of pressure.