As soon as the unresponsive victim is removed from the water,
the rescuer should open the airway, check for breathing, and if
there is no breathing, give 2 rescue breaths that make the chest
rise (if this was not done previously in the water). After delivery
of 2 effective breaths, if a pulse is not definitely felt, the
healthcare provider should begin chest compressions and provide
cycles of compressions and ventilations according to the
BLS guidelines. Once the victim is out of the water, if he or
she is unresponsive and not breathing after delivery of 2 rescue
breaths and is pulseless, rescuers should attach an AED
and attempt defibrillation if a shockable rhythm is identified.
It is only necessary to dry the chest area before applying the
defibrillation pads and using the AED. If hypothermia is present,
follow the recommendations in Part 12.9: “Cardiac Arrest
in Accidental Hypothermia.”