I've got to agree with you Freddy. CrackBerry is looking pretty stupid here when a regular contributor like Chris presents an ignorant article where half of his arguments are so obviously invalid (Sonos, Audible and Voxer are available to anyone that cares for them). "These apps, collectively" are so important to Chris that he didn't even bother to look for them despite his belief that BlackBerry makes a "better device and a better OS" compared to Android's "poorer OS experience"? His holdout for a "total solution" doesn't add up given all the shortcomings of Android he laments. And it's not even the first time an article about Sonos has come up on this site that missed the fact it is available and works ("Trust me - had I known it was fully working we would have posted it ages ago. You think Kevin would have let this slide given his passion for Sonos? - Adam Zeis May 27, 2014). Do ANY of the contributors and editors use BlackBerrys? It's obvious none of them bother to read CrackBerry.