Khun Phaen, great master, and Kaeo Kiriya were shocked. They hugged their son. Khun Phaen asked, Why did you brave the forest to come? Your grandmother asked to keep you in Ayutthaya. What troubled you so much that you dared walk through the forest? Don't cry. Tell your father. I want to hear.
Phlai Chumphon told the story from start to finish. Grandmother looked after me affectionately and fairly. She loved me like her own eyes. The problem arose because the tricky Lao wife created a lot of nonsense, confusion, and anger Soifa and Simala quarreled. Wai took the side of the minor wife, and beat Simala badly, making a mess of her back and shoulders. I pleaded for Simala so he turned on me. My back still has the marks of his beating-look here.