Table 1
Time periods of the different phases of oyster mushroom cultivation and mushroom yield of substrate (days)
Substratea Spawn runningb
Pin head formationb
Fruit body formationb
WP (100) 181.22e 25.41.14e 30.42.50e 212.824.87abc
WP+PB (90+10) 22.61.94d 30.42.07d 34.41.81d 197.617.15bc
WP+PB (80+20) 28.62.19c 37.22.38c 433.31c 165.619.62cd
WP+CM (90 +10) 32.62.50b 42.42.40b 48.63.04b 90.210.89de
WP+CM (80 +20) 37.62.12a 48.62.07a 54.24.49a 61.411.97e
WP+HR (90 +10) 17.21.30e 23.21.79ef 27.02.00ef 270.827.63ab
WP+HR (80 +20) 15.80.83e 21.61.14f 25.41.51f 350.237.37a
Note: Small letters given as supercript over mass loss values represent homogenity groups obtained by statistical analysis with similar letters reflecting
statistical insignificance at the 95% confidence level.
WP: waste paper; PB: peat of Bolu; CM: chicken manure; HR: rice husk.
aSubstrates were filled into plastic bags on a 1 kg wet weights basis.
bResults reflect observations of five plastic bags.
cStandard deviation.