The 21st century offers life in a borderless world, globalization, internationalization and the explosion of
information and communication technology (ICT) (PIPP, 2006). The rapid development of technology and
information dissemination will result in the expansion of knowledge that will impact the economy, culture and
politics of a country. Current explosion of information and technology and knowledge-based economy have changed
the implementation of the education system. The era of digital economy requires a workforce that is knowledgeable
and skilled to generate innovation and improve productivity of a country (NCREL & Metiri Group, 2003; NurAishah et al;, 2009 : Executive Summary of the Plan-10, 2010). Thus, this 21st century students need to be able to
solve various problems by thinking creatively and the use of technology. The education sector is undergoing a
paradigm shift in which learning should be changed from horizontal to loop of knowledge that combines knowledge,
application and continuous contribution (Kamisah & Neelavany, 2010).