Due to the 2008 financial crisis, many banking service personnel around the world have not only lost
their confidence, but have also caused unemployment rates to be more serious day by day. To promote
efficiency and performance, some enterprises have taken the steps of reorganizing their enterprises,
merging, and even laying off their employees to reduce manpower cost. Therefore, employment
relationship between the staff and organization become more unstable and forecast with difficulty.
Many research pointed out employees with instability in their job have reduced their commitment to
their organization, even affecting their job manner, job involvement, and even job performance.
Moreover, Cohen (1999) supported the importance of job involvement as an antecedent to
organizational commitment in particular having a key influence on job performance. The purpose of
this article is to extend job performance research. We will provide a theoretical basis for our construct
Journal of Money, Investment and Banking - Issue 11 (2009) 17
of job instability, job stress, job involvement and for job performance its antecedents, and then show
how these constructs are related within this context.
This paper is organized in the following sections. First, we examine the relevant literature and
then present our hypotheses and research framework. The next section gives an overview of the core
methodology used, and then the findings from the research are discussed. At the end of this paper, the
research limitations and managerial implications of this study will be discussed.