Organization altruism is nurtured by positive team working.
High level of trust and intra-team social support are process that can cultivate altruistic team behaviors, when leaders’ model and demand inter-team cooperation and effectiveness.
This promotes a climate of organizational altruism.
The “bystander” refer to the behaviors people display when they experience a diffusion of responsibility and anxiety about personal involvement in the presence of others.
However, when bystanders are member of a cohesive team, the bystander effect in nullified (1982).
Member of such a team will show a genuine concern for one another’s happiness and well-being, and are likely to demonstrate helping behavior within and across teams.
Positive affect and appreciation will resonate throughout the team and the wider organization helping to gradually build an organizational culture that move individuals toward altruism, tolerance, and citizenship.
Co-operative teams, and teams of teams, enable effective communication and fruitful collaborations, in which fresh idea are exchanged and integrated, work load is shared, mutual support is provided and opportunities are exploited to their full potential.