Oh, bad old man who your this crowds are not concerned about face smelly, was gives your face was right, looked that I did not rip you.” Monkey King hears this words, flies into a rage, he has gotten angry, because he most cannot bear, some people spoke the Chu Feng malicious remarks.
„Monkey King, newcomer is a guest, can not be impolite, do not forget that today is any day.” However in Monkey King just about to gets rid, Azure Dragon Founder has gotten rid suddenly, the pressure sweeps away together, directly the Monkey King pressure with suppressing.
„Monkey King, do not forget that today is your Brother Chu Feng biological brother, the day of succeeding to the throne, do not sabotage the good atmosphere.”
„Is, how to say again you are also one generation of monster kings, how can get rid to two mortals, if passes on, has gone bad your reputation.” Meanwhile, sits in Monkey King Jiang old ancestor and others, urged.
„Snort.” But this moment Monkey King, is Cold Snort one, although he does not have to get rid once again, but actually also to Chu Guyu the face, why gives Chu Guyu the face, that also looks in the Chu Feng face, is in the final analysis, Monkey King has suppressed a lot of air/Qi.
These many Cultivator, on the scene have World Spiritist, unexpectedly was despised by two mortals, he naturally is not feeling well.
In fact, the person who at this moment is not feeling well is not infrequent, for example the Chu Feng first teacher, Zhuge Liuyun.
Tried every means to persuade, he was also World Spiritist, when prepares palace that built the Chu family person to live, then by him design paper.
That builds for the Chu family person after all, therefore he to his request is also extremely high, after this pass cannot cross, he also gave up.
Originally, he had thought that welcome to design a fierce blueprint World Spiritist that he is fiercer, actually cannot think that this finally unexpectedly is the artisans of several common people, this makes him refuse to accept very much.
No matter how that blueprint, solely is the status of opposite party, he then refuses to accept, particularly sees several common people, actually also so haughtily is proud, he was not feeling well.
However, at this moment, horizon distant place, suddenly twinkle its dazzling ray, and that ray is getting more and more near, just like one round will arrive tomorrow, the people who soon punctures cannot open both eyes.
„It is not good, opens to protect sect great formation in a big hurry.”
At this moment, Azure Dragon Founder and others, immediately the facial features big change, only with visiting, them knows that golden ray is far from every thing, feared that has the archenemy to attack, but that enemy, absolutely possibly is not Nine Provinces Continent, cannot do well to be the Eastern Sea Region powerhouse.
After Azure Dragon Founder issues an order, Azure Dragon School protecting sect great formation, along with it opening, has covered this side world.
After that protects sect great formation opens, all people on the scene, that is hanging the heart dropped half, because Azure Dragon School protecting sect great formation, is by Qiushui Fuyan, Huangfu Haoyue they, waits for many masters, jointly arrangement.
Therefore this protects the sect great formation strength, may they also want fierce many compared with Azure Dragon Founder.