MAP system design. In previous work with fresh-cut ‘Kent’
mango stored in CA, it was determined that the respiration rate
(RR; CO2 production) of fresh-cut slices in an atmosphere of
3–4 kPa O2 plus 10 kPa CO2 at 15 °C was about 30 mg·kg–1·h–1
(Dea, 2009). The O2 permeability of the stretch PVC Omni
film (PVC-RMF 61, Goodyear, OH) that was selected for this
MAP system was 2.3 × 10–2 mL·mil·cm–2·h–1·atm–1 and the CO2/
O2 permeability ratio was 6.1:1 (Exama et al., 1993). The film
transmission requirements were established to match the RR of
fresh-cut mango slices at 15 °C and to achieve an atmosphere 3
to 4 kPa O2 inside the package. The film O2 permeability requirements
were calculated with the following mass balance equations
for O2 and CO2: