4. Service sector buildings
This sector includes buildings in the public sector and commercial sector8.
4.1. Classification by sub-sector and types of buildings
Based on the findings of phase 1 it is proposed to consider 3 main sub-sectors9: • Wholesale and retail trade, • Hotels and restaurants • Health and social work activities.
In each sub-sector a specific focus will be given on certain types of buildings: on hotels in the sub-sector hotels and restaurants; on hospitals in the sub-sector health and social work and on department store, retail store and wholesale store in the wholesale and retail trade sub-sector.
For each sub-sector and types of buildings the data should be collected from national statistics, from DEDE, EEPO and NESDB, etc... (i.e. top-down data).
Data will also be collected for designated buildings from DEDE (bottom-up data). The list of buildings to be monitored will depend on the classification used at DEDE. It can be larger that the types of buildings mentioned above (i.e. hotels, hospitals, department store, retail store and wholesale store) and include for instance large office buildings.
Bottom-up data will be defined by type of buildings whereas top-down data will relate to sub- sectors according to TSIC classification (hotels and restaurants, health and social work activity).
4.2. Indicators in service sector
Two types of indicators will be produced coming from two different sources: • Top-down indicators by sub-sector (according to TSIC classification) or type of buildings; • Bottom-up indicators based on data collected on the sample of buildings monitored through the reporting of designated buildings to DEDE;
As the dominant source of energy is electricity (around 80% of the total), the focus will be on electricity indicators. If data collected on LPG at the bottom-up level used can be extrapolated at national level indicators covering the total consumption may also be considered by allocating the LPG consumption by sub sector.
4.2.1. Top-down indicators
Four types of top-down electricity indicators can be considered in service sector buildings (commercial or public buildings): - Indicators of electricity intensity in kWh per Baht (in constant prices); - Indicators of specific electricity consumption in kWh per employee by sub sector; - Indicators of specific electricity consumption per unit of activity for hotels and hospitals; kWh per person-nights in hotels, and per bed in hospitals; - Indicators of specific electricity consumption in kWh per m2 by sub sector or type of buildings. 8 The energy consumption of the sector only includes the energy used in buildings and excludes the consumption of vehicles. It includes the energy consumption of transport buildings, as well as the electricity consumption for public lighting and water distribution. 9 The service sector is classified by type of activity (i.e. by sub-sector), according to the TSIC classification.