010 Library of Congress control number
013 Patent control information
015 National bibliography number
016 National bibliographic agency control number
017 Copyright or legal deposit number
018 Copyright article-fee code
020 International standard book number
022 International standard serial number
024 Other standard identifier
025 Overseas acquisition number
026 Fingerprint identifier
027 Standard technical report number
028 Publisher number
030 Coden designation
031 Musical incipits information
032 Postal registration number
033 Date/time and place of an event
034 Coded cartographic mathematical data
035 System control number
036 Original study number for computer data files
037 Source of acquisition
038 Record content licensor
040 Cataloguing source
041 Language code
042 Authentication code
043 Geographic area code
044 Country of publishing/producing entity code
045 Time period of content
046 Special coded dates
047 Form of musical composition code
048 Number of musical instruments or voices code
050 Library of Congress call number
051 Library of Congress copy, issue, offprint statement
052 Geographic classification
055 Classification numbers assigned in Canada
060 National Library of Medicine call number
061 National Library of Medicine copy statement
066 Character sets present
070 National Agricultural Library call number
071 National Agricultural Library copy statement
072 Subject category code
074 GPO item number
080 Universal decimal classification number
082 Dewey decimal classification number
083 Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number
084 Other classification number
085 Synthesized Classification Number Components
086 Government document classification number
088 Report number
09x Local call number