A study on the effect of rearing system on tissue composition of principal joints and chemical–physical traits of meat and subcutaneous fat, was carried out on a local pig breed. A total of 78 Nero Siciliano pigs was used; 41 pigs were reared in woods, 37 pigs were reared in pens and fed a commercial diet. Weight at slaughter was 101.9 and 88.2 kg for indoor and outdoor pigs, respectively. Means were estimated at 77 kg of live weight. At ham dissection outdoor-pigs showed higher percentages of lean (58% vs. 55%) and lower subcutaneous fat (31% vs. 34%). In Longissimus lumborum outdoor-pigs showed a higher intramuscular fat percentage (4.3% vs. 3.3%), a lower protein content (22.2% vs. 23.4%), and higher free water (9.6 vs. 7.9 cm2). Outdoor pigs produced more light (L*=50 vs. 46.7) and more yellow (b*=5.84 vs. 4.88) meat. Subcutaneous fat of outdoor pigs showed higher percentages of MUFA (53.3% vs. 47.2%) and lower percentages of PUFA (10.85% vs. 14.45%), no differences were found for n−3 PUFA. Outdoor-pigs had lower atherogenicity (0.48 vs. 0.53) and thrombogenicity (1.03 vs. 1.21) indices.