Apart from their food plant choice there is little to connect the Heteropterinae, Trapezitinae and Hesperiinae but molecular char-acters; only the presence of brands or stigmata of androconial scales on the forewing of the male could be considered morphological support, but these are absent in many species, and completely in Heteropterinae, thus of dubious value. Scott and Wright (1990) mentioned a larval character (seta D1 on dorsum of first instar abdominal segment 10 long), but they did not indicate inwhich, and in how many, species they had found it, and larval characters in
Hesperiidae in general are incompletely known. Nevertheless,Warren et al. (2008) found strong support (BS¼9) for this grouping, a conclusion that was not changed when morphological data were added to the molecular data matrix (Warren et al., 2009).