There was no way she didn’t see through his sham. Even Saitama, a total airhead, knew the only reason he set foot in this side of town was, specifically, to see
That little flower shop wouldn’t have caught his eye in a million years if it hadn't been so closely located to the hospital that one of his friends had be admitted in. One simple trip to buy a pick-me-up present turned into an infatuation when Genos laid eyes upon the beautiful store owner. (Full name) was an intriguing thing, smart, witty, and sweet. A woman of dignity and ingenuity. Genos knew this well enough from his frequent visits—something she couldn’t not notice the peculiarity of. You can only have so many instances in which to buy a bouquet flowers.
But that didn’t deter him. Genos was a dense man, maybe, but he knew what he wanted and had the gall to see it through. Visiting often had allowed him to gain insight on (Name) and her life. He just had to seal the deal with one date and a phone number, and there was no more skirting around the bush.