Somatic embryogenesis is an in vitro clonal propagation method with potential to contribute to the improvement of cacao varieties. Before using this technology for commercial production, it is essential that somatic embryogenesis-derived plants be tested in field conditions.
Therefore, we established a field test at Union Vale Estate,Saint Lucia. Thirty- to 50-yr-old trees were selected for clonal propagation as potentially high yielding based on local farmers observations. Clonal plants were propagated in vitro from immature flowers by embryogenesis and micropropagation. Multiple plants from nine genotypes were acclimated to greenhouse conditions then returned to Saint Lucia and planted in a field. Orthotropic rooted
cuttings and locally propagated open pollinated seedlings
were also planted for a total of 214 trees. Growth data were
collected every 4–6 mo. including: stem diameter, stem
height, length of the longest jorquette branch, number of
jorquette branches, and dates of first flowering and fruiting.
At 4.5 yr after planting in the field there were no major
differences in all growth parameters among the propagation
methods evaluated with exception of the orthotropic rooted
cuttings. Trees grown from seeds were slightly taller then
trees propagated by the other methods. Trees propagated as
orthotropic rooted cuttings exhibited smaller average stem