This service clearly has the power to target advertising much more precisely, and thus make it more effective. Many of Sunday's customers are happy to receive ads over the phone—either by voice or by text—in return for the chance of getting a bargain. These ads are a marketing man's dream. They can be adjusted to fit the customer's demographic profile, and can be sent when the customer is in the best possible place for buying a product. They can also be monitored so that the advertisers know how customers are responding. “Advertisers can reach the exact people they want to reach,” says Mr Ehrlich, “in the exact spot where they want to reach them—and they can often get an immediate response.”
Six months after the launch of its advertising service, Sunday gets only 1% of its total income from this source. But Mr Ehrlich thinks it will become far more important in future. Advertisers will develop much closer relationships with mobile-phone companies. For example, they may start subsidising mobile phones—or even give them away free—in the way that some companies are now giving away computers. Mobile-phone companies may begin to realise that their most precious resource is not the airwaves but the attention of the customers who carry their products around with them.
Wireless devices are also likely to have a big impact on another industry: transport. Car companies are beginning to incorporate wireless gadgets in their products just as routinely as they now incorporate computer microchips. General Motors' advertisements trumpet the fact that its cars are fitted with the “On Star” safety feature, which sends a signal to the rescue services if their car runs into trouble. Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Jaguar have struck deals with Motorola to furnish their cars with similar devices. Volvo's racing cars are fitted with wireless gadgets that keep the pit stop informed about the car's condition and location, so the mechanics can start fixing the car the moment it comes into the pits. Most truck companies track their fleet by either cellular or satellite equipment so that they know exactly where each truck is and what shape it is in.