statements using the following scale:
7 = Completely Characteristic
6 = Characteristic
5 = Somewhat Characteristic
4 = Neither Characteristic nor Uncharacteristic
3 = Somewhat Uncharacteristic
2 = Uncharacteristic
1 = Completely Uncharacteristic
There are no right or wrong answers You will get the most out of this assessment if you think
carefully about each statement and respond candidly.
Negotiation Skills
Record your choice for each statement by circling the appropriate number on the Response
Form. Circle only one choice per item.
1. When I negotiate, my interests must prevail.
2. I try to reach a result based on objective criteria rather than just my demands.
3. I believe that a friendly approach to negotiating is better than a combative one.
4. I often feel I lack the power to produce a successful outcome.
5. I believe that half a loaf is better than none.
6. I believe that negotiators are adversaries.
7. I try to identify shared principles to use as a basis for resolving negotiating dilemmas.
8. I believe that you have to make concessions to the other party to build the
9. I accept the fact that you can only get what others are willing to concede.
10. I believe that compromise is the essence of effective negotiating.
11. I enjoy the reputation of being a tough battler.
12. I believe that a negotiation may be said to be effective when both I and the other
party get our needs satisfied.
13. I believe that affable relationships produce the best results.
14. I keep a low profile during a negotiating discussion.
15. My motto is to split the difference.
16. 1 believe that negotiation is a contest of wills.
17. I believe that effective negotiators develop a partnership.
Negotiation Skills
18. I believe that a soft word can win a hard heart.
19. I believe that by playing down certain hot issues one can reduce or eliminate time
consuming conflicts.
20. My approach is always to meet the other party halfway.
21. I believe that you should do unto others before they do it to you.
22. When negotiating, I attempt to work through our differences.
23. I search for a solution that will make the other party happy.
24. I often let others take responsibility for solving the problem.
25. When I negotiate, I put a lot of effort into looking for trade-offs.
26. I believe that an effective negotiator employs threats, bluffs, and surprises.
27. I believe that the most successful negotiation achieves results for both parties.
28. People with whom I negotiate know me as a friendly peacemaker.
29. I put aside decisions until conflicts have quieted down.
30. I believe that in a successful negotiation everyone must give something in order to get