The last decade saw a rapid increase in the use of multimedia in health education. Easy availability, accessibility,
low cost of technological resources and the expanding body of research on the role of multimedia in student learning,
among others, have all contributed to this increase in usage. Since one of the roles of educators is to assess and select
learning resources based on curriculum goals and student needs, the development of standardized methods for
multimedia evaluation becomes vital. To the learner, it is important for reviews of the quality of the resource to be
readily available. An evaluation too was developed based on the recognition of this need. The validity of the tool was
tested using experts in technology and education. Reliability was determined using faculty and students who reviewed
the same software, using the tool. In addition, graduate students reviewed two versions of a nursing program, of
varying quality. The results indicate that the tool is reliable and valid. It is envisaged that this tool can be utilized by
health educators for evaluating multimedia resources and setting up a much needed clearinghouse for health
education resources. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.