Cochran et al. (1993) defined PCK as the way in which teachers relate their pedagogical
knowledge to their subject matter knowledge in the school context. As Park
et al. (2011) suggested, providing teachers with opportunities to analyse students’
understanding of science and come up with teaching strategies to meet their learning difficulties are important aspects of teachers’ PCK. The result presented in this study
supports the idea that teachers do not simply receive knowledge that others create to
teach, but produce knowledge for teaching through their own experiences. With its
focus on collegial planning and reflection through the learning study design, this
study also corresponds with the ideas of Van Driel and Berry (2012) who highlighted
the importance of ‘forms of professional development for teachers that are built on collaboration,
collegial interaction and the fostering of relationships’ (p. 26). Therefore,
learning study can be described as both a research method and a successful model for
continuous professional learning of teachers.