New Airport Security on IT Devices
Referring to the recent CBRES’s notice on the new Airport Security measure that all carried on flight electronic devices may be required to be turned on at checkpoint, please take special note on the 3 actions below :
1. Hand carry your laptop and mobile phone on board; DO NOT check-in your laptop/mobile device, while travelling.
2. Laptop and mobile phone batteries should be charged (minimally at 50%) before clearing Airport Security
3. Hand carry your laptop power adaptor and mobile charger as an added precautionary measure, in case your device fails to power up.
All Chevron’s issued laptops and mobile phones use Lithium-ion battery. As these devices usually contain company sensitive information, the new airport security measure may risk these devices being confiscated by the airport authority. You MUST report any company device confiscation to IT immediately. If your laptop battery needs a replacement (e.g. non-charging), please contact
IT Service Desk at extension 5000.