Fresh fruit combined with water was allowed to soak. The fruit was cut in slices so that the People who are health conscious will find Water fruit infuser bottle with countless recipes. Some recipes include round slices of citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and limes while others feature berries that children will love like strawberries and raspberries. People even use some vegetables to give it a healthier twist. Some people are innovative and combine fresh fruit with bruised fresh herbs in varying combinations like mint, rosemary and sage. The bruised leaves release flavor into the water. People even tend to add honey or agave syrup to the water. People like to experiment various flavors and combine in ways that will set their mood for the day. It can be easily carried around and can be cleaned as it is shatterproof. It can be reused many times. It comes with a leak lock technology so you will not spill the water infused with fruits. You may like the water in your Water fruit infuser bottle a little chilled so refrigerate it. You can carry it to the gym, keep at your workstation and drink while you work, or when you are camping you will always remain hydrated.