This paper presents a new modeling framework for analysis of impact and scheduling of price-responsive as well as
controllable loads in a three-phase unbalanced distribution system. The price-responsive loads are assumed to be linearly or exponentially dependent on price, i.e., demand reduces as price increases and vice versa. The effect of such uncontrolled price-responsive loads on the distribution feeder is studied as customers seek to reduce their energy cost. Secondly, a novel constant energy load model, which is controllable by the local distribution company (LDC), is proposed in this paper. A controllable load is one that can be scheduled by the LDC through remote signals, demand response programs, or customer-end home energy management systems. Minimization of cost of energy drawn by LDC, feeder losses, and customers cost pertaining to the controllable component of the load are considered as objectives from the
LDCs and customers’ perspective. The effect of a peak demand constraint on the controllability of the load is further examined. The proposed models are tested on two feeders: 1) the IEEE 13- node test feeder; and 2) a practical LDC feeder system. Detailed studies examine the operational aspects of price-responsive and controllable loads on the overall system. It is observed that the LDC controlled load model results in a more uniform system load profile, and that with a reduction in the peak demand cap, the energy drawn decreases, consequently reducing feeder losses and LDC’s and customers’ costs.