Storytelling plays a very crucial role in children upbringing because it is here to introduce them to languauge and literature,the rhythm of words,the pattern. They all started to get in their little heads and when they come to reading,there is a great advantage because they understood it.
Telling stories teach children also force them an imagination when they started to come to some understandings of the world they are living in.
I have been telling stories for long time in the library over the years and l found that the children will believe anything you tell them and you can use anything to tell them. l think l have used the toilet roll holders with mop cleaners stuck to them to make a hall of a little family. l tell the story with the apple when l cut in half and revealed a deautifu star. I have also to think to bag of a back. So may be when parents were starting to thin about the story telling,may be an item about treasure things that they had from their childnood,may be a photo that was taken years and years ago,all these things prompt language.
One of the ways to really your involve children in storytelling is perhaps pun a bit of the actions in it. Sometime l have little rhymes and l make children be mook mook the owl and the tree in it. So I am just trying to engage them by getting them to take part of the story. So having those actions really helps. Every opportunity has a story behind it. And what you they get to school. One of the other things that I think it is important about storytelling for me it is always crucial is I think your family,your kid should the understanding of your family and who you are,what your stories are. So that was such wonderfully for storytelling. Who are you and where do your people from,when did you come to Australia, what was your favorite story as a child,all these things,a story that you could be telling your children.
One of the things that the children really love to hear them in the story,so something you remembered as a little ,a story that you have read or heard,may be you can put your child in situation,may be they are scared about their first day at school and you are going to tell a little story about how brave they are and how they got trou nah today. If you put your child in the story,really sort of bring them in to the whole,notion of words and music in words and being part of that advanced story.