At that time InHo is sticking around Jeawoo asking to have a meal together as brothers but Jeawoo getting annoy because he has class to go. Sul meets Sang Chul and asks if he know what is really going on and why was he really nervous when Sul’s lost her papers back then, any reason for him to be so loud and make things worse and why he acting like that to Dayoung even nothing settled yet. Sul mention the involvement of head of department and that she think the one who have to apology to her is not Dayoung but Kim Sang Chul himself. At the time Sul says that, one person just get off of his car. Who can that be if it’s not Jung, he finally shows himself in this chapter and he appears right at the time his girlfriend confronting Sang Chul. Such a great timing!
Kim Sang Chul starts his show, he brings back all the incident happened in the past that he feel Sul wronged him from taking off his name in the group report, not introduce Ayoung to him but her brother and now accuse him of thief. He says he’s already under stress of getting employment and graduation and now Sul’s accusation coming up. With Sang Chul’s aggressive behaviour, Sul actually a bit scare thinking he’s like a bear. She not feel comfortable with his present that’s why she let he pass most of the time he ask he some favour. But if Sul continues like this it’s not going to be good. Sul decides to be strong this time to pursuit her confrontation. She tell Sang Chul off that everyone get the same stress when it come to final and employment but what he did was wrong. She asks him stop doing that and fix his own fault. Kim Sang Chul grab Sul’s hand when she about to leave and shaken her hard saying why she do that to him, making him look like he’s a criminal.