Tapioca starch (TS), produced from cassava roots, is a favorable thickener used in food industry due to its high viscosity, clear appearance, and low production cost, compared to other starches. The viscosity of the tapioca starch paste decreases when mechanically disturbed and leading to the textural instability during storage.
Hence, the functional modification of the tapioca starch for improving the product quality and shelf life plays an important role in product and process development . Addition of xanthan gum can alter both structural and rheological characteristics of starches such as gelatinization temperature and pasting properties.
Retrogradation in frozen starch gels was affected by xanthan gum addition and freezing rate. A freeze–thaw cycle (FTC) treatment was used in this study to determine the effects of xanthan gum and freezing rates on the stability in tapioca gels. When various freezing rates were used, the results showed that a fast freezing rate (2.30 1C/min) could prevent changes that occurred due to retrogradation freezing rates. The best conditions for the reduction of starch retrogradation in this study was the addition of 0.50% XG with the freezing
rate at 2.30 1C/min and The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pH and xanthan gum (XG) addition on freeze-thaw stability(FT) of tapioca starch (TS) pastes as a function of TS/XG mixing ratios and number of FTC. Pastes and gels were characterized by syneresis measurement. The objective of the present study is to investigate the containing different xanthan gum contents at a fixed total polysaccharide concentration using RVA and steady shear viscosity measurements, and the water separation of TS/Xan pastes after repeated freeze–thaw treatment. A correlation between the pasting properties and freeze–thaw stability is also examined.