The close U.S.-Japan security relationship that has evolved since the end of World War II has benefited both nations. The United States has been able to anchor its East Asia military presence in Japan, aiding its efforts to contain communism and lending stability to the region. Japan has been able to focus on rebuilding its economy without devoting much concern or many resources to its own defense. But in the aftermath of the Cold War, both nations are reassessing their respective security postures. In The U.S.-Japan Security Relationship After the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama and Kongdan Oh, drawing on extensive interviews in Japan and on a range of English and Japanese publications, examine the Japanese appraisal of the U.S.-Japan security relationship and consider its implications for the United States. Although the reassessment may lead Japan to change many aspects of that relationship, both countries continue to value the basic arrangement. For its part, the United States needs to recognize Japan's status as an equal partner.