shows that the amount of partially coalesced fat produced
in the ice creams made with NFDM held approximately constant as
protein content increased from 4% (39.4%) to 6% (40.6%) and then
dropped off steeply at 8% (26.4%) protein. Unexpectedly, the
amount of partially coalesced fat went back up again when the
protein content increased to 10% (42.5%). Since emulsions stabilized
by casein-based proteins are increasingly stable as protein content
increases, it would be expected that as protein content increased,
the degree of partial coalescence would decrease. The adsorbed
layer should have become more dense and thick preventing all
partial coalescence, especially at 10% protein (Britten & Giroux,
1993; Segall & Goff, 2002). The ice cream made with 10% protein
should have formed an extremely stable emulsion and should not
have destabilized to the extent observed. Note, however, that the
mixes made here did not receive the full heat treatment expected in
commercial processing, which could have influenced the results.
shows that the amount of partially coalesced fat producedin the ice creams made with NFDM held approximately constant asprotein content increased from 4% (39.4%) to 6% (40.6%) and thendropped off steeply at 8% (26.4%) protein. Unexpectedly, theamount of partially coalesced fat went back up again when theprotein content increased to 10% (42.5%). Since emulsions stabilizedby casein-based proteins are increasingly stable as protein contentincreases, it would be expected that as protein content increased,the degree of partial coalescence would decrease. The adsorbedlayer should have become more dense and thick preventing allpartial coalescence, especially at 10% protein (Britten & Giroux,1993; Segall & Goff, 2002). The ice cream made with 10% proteinshould have formed an extremely stable emulsion and should nothave destabilized to the extent observed. Note, however, that themixes made here did not receive the full heat treatment expected incommercial processing, which could have influenced the results.
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