Background: Exsanguinating haemorrhage is a leading cause of death in severely injured trauma patients.
Management includes achieving haemostasis, replacing lost intravascular volume with fluids and blood,
and treating coagulopathy. The provision of fluids and blood products is contingent on obtaining
adequate vascular access to the patient’s venous system. We sought to examine the nature and timing of
achieving adequate intravenous (IV) access in trauma patients requiring uncrossmatched blood in the
trauma bay.
Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of all patients admitted to our trauma centre from
2005 to 2009 who were transfused uncrossmatched blood in the trauma bay. We examined the impact of
IV access on prehospital times and time to first PRBC transfusion.
Results: Of 208 study patients, 168 (81%) received prehospital IV access, and the on-scene time for these
patients was 5 min longer (16.1 vs 11.4, p < 0.01). Time to achieving adequate IV access in those without
any prehospital IVs occurred on average 21 min (6.6–30.5) after arrival to the trauma bay. A central
venous catheter was placed in 92 (44%) of patients. Time to first blood transfusion correlated most
strongly with time to achieving central venous access (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.94, p < 0.001) as
opposed to time to achieving adequate peripheral IV access (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.19,
p = 0.12).
Conclusions: We found that most bleeding patients received a prehospital IV; however, we also found
that obtaining prehospital IVs was associated with longer EMS on-scene times and longer prehospital
times. Interestingly, we found that obtaining a prehospital IV was not associated with more rapid
initiation of blood product transfusion. Obtaining optimal IV access and subsequent blood transfusion in
severely injured patients continues to present a challenge.