3.2 47.05%of total fee, for 1,788,000.00 Baht (One Million Seven Hundred Eighty Eight Thousand Baht) excluding VAT7%, After complete installation of COACH-HRM which include the
a) Personnel Administration Module (PA)
b) Organization Management (OM)
c) Time Attendance Module (TA)
d) Payroll Module (PY)
e) Employee Self Service (ESS)
o ESS: E-Payroll
Modify Tax Deductible Allowance
Pay Slip Online
o ESS: E-Leave
o ESS: E-Time In/Out
including data migration and user acceptance test at the client’s site. The data migration tasks are as follow:
a. Position movement records
b. Organization Structure Movement Records
c. Promotion records
d. Leave records
e. Salary adjustment records
f. Income/deduction records