Search strategies
The search included the following databases:
MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index of Nursing and
Allied Health (CINAHL), and PantherCat Online
Catalogue using the UWM database, PsycInfo,
Cochrane Registry of Clinical Trials and Cochrane
Evidence-Based Medicine Review Database, and
Social Services Abstracts. Additionally, websites such
as the National Guideline Clearinghouse and other
heart and high blood pressure sites (both government
and nongovernment sponsored), online reports, publications,
conference proceedings from national and
international agencies were also used.
Figure 1 is a flow diagram that explains how to
select references regarding the number of studies
included according to the search parameter with
nursing process elements. The components of nursing
process focusing on health promotion with
adults with HBP in primary healthcare settings
were collected from references and research from
1988 through 2006. A search parameter was to use